The Pastor’s Blog
July Youth News
Summer Camp–If you participated in the camp auction, contact the church office to get your scholarship refund. Each camper is asked to cotribute $20 to help cover the transportation costs. contact the church office to confirm that you will be traveling via MFC's transportation. Save $30 by pre-registering at
I ♥ Rogue Valley– A non-profit event involving many churches to serve the community on July 28th. That evening will be a time of worship, inspiration and outreach with Nick Vujicic and the band Elliot. Our project will be at Howard School landscaping, weeding, and general clean up around the school area. Bring gloves, gardening tools, shovels, and rakes with your name on them and help serve the community. You may register by calling Carla Tappero or online at-
Order of Events for I ♥ Rogue Valley on Satuday July 28th–
9:30 a.m.- Everyone will meet at Cascade Christian High School for a time of devotion and prayer.
10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.- MFC will go to work at Howard School.
6:30 p.m.- Worship, inspiration, and outreach at the Expo Amphitheater with Nick Vujicic and the band Elliot.
Night Of Impact Nick Vujicic– Friday July 27th at Cascade Christian High School at 7 p.m. Admission is Free!
Emigrant Lake Water Slide– Thursday, July 19th. Meet at MFC at 11 a.m. Cost: one and a half hour wristband is $6 and bring money for lunch.
Coffee and Connection– A time of getting into the word and fellowship! Meet at Tuesday July 24th and 31st at 11 a.m. at the Rogue Valley Mall food court.
Home Study July 9 through 14, 2012
Adapted from the Northwest Yearly Meeting 50-Day Prayer Journal.
Monday – Read James 4:7-10
What stands out at you in this passage?
According to verse 10, what must we do to experience God’s grace?
Why it this important to do and to understand?
How does this passage challenge you? How will you respond?
Tuesday – Read Daniel 9:1-3
What was Daniel’s first response to the bad news he received?
Here, fasting and mourning is connected to desperate prayer. Are you facing any problems that need that level of prayer?
How much time are you spending worrying about them rather than in seeking God’s answer and help by mourning, prayer and fasting?
What will you do?
Wednesday – Read Joel 212-14
With what attitude are we to commit our lives to God?
Why is the condition of our heart more important than outward appearances?
How does this passage challenge you? What will you change?
Thursday – Read Psalm 103:6-13
What penalty do our sins deserve?
None of us is deserving of God’s kindness, why doesn’t God treat us as our sins deserve?
What hope does this give you for yourself? For others?
How can we help others to better see God’s love?
Friday – Read Jonah 3:1-10
What speaks to you from this passage?
What role did fasting play in the repentance of the Ninevites?
What role does fasting play in our repentance today?
Invite the Holy Spirit to reveal to you anything you need to repent of and take time to do it.
Saturday – Read Matthew 16:4 and Jonah 1:1-4:11
Home Study – July 2 through 7, 2012
Adapted from the Northwest Yearly Meeting 50-day Prayer Journal
Monday – Read I John 5:13-15
Why don’t we have what we ask God for?
What does this passage tell us about the importance of seeking God’s will in all that we pray for?
What does it mean to ask God “according to His will?”
How does this passage challenge you?
What will you do?
Tuesday – Read James 1:2-8
What reason do we have for hope in the middle of our trials?
When you are in a tough spot, are you more likely to pray for relief or for wisdom?
Which is the prayer that God will answer?
As you take time to pray for your needs and the needs of others ask for God’s wisdom and guidance in each situation.
Wednesday – Read John 16:19-24
What jumps out to you in this passage?
In the context of Jesus’ farewell instructions here he instructs His disciples to ask “in my name.” What does that mean?
Spend some time in quiet before God and invite Him to speak to you.
Thursday – Read Acts 2:42-47
List five things the early church did.
How did these activities shape their relationship with God and with each other?
Why was it so important for them to do these things together, including praying together?
How does this passage challenge you?
How will you respond?
Friday – Read John 17:6-18
This is a portion of Jesus’ last prayer with His disciples before His crucifixion. Why is our “oneness” so important to Him?
What are some things that threaten the “oneness” in our church? In our Yearly Meeting? In the church worldwide?
Take time to pray that God would protect us from those threats.
Saturday – Read Genesis 21:8-21
Jr. High and High School Events
If you have questions contact Dave Gomez.
Tween Camp – July 8th – 14
Friday, July 27, 2012 – 7 p.m. Night Of Impact Nick Vujicic at Cascade Christian High School Admission is free.
Saturday, July 28th – 6:30 p.m. Nick Vujicic will be sharing at the Expo with musical guest Elliot Admission is free.
Jr. High & High School Youth
Emigrant Lake Water Slide – Meet at MFC at 11 a.m. Thursday, July 19th
Cost: 1.5 hr. wristband $6 & $$ for lunch.
Coffee & Connection – A time of getting into the word & fellowship!
11 a.m. Tuesday, July 24th & 31st Meet at the food court in the Rogue Valley Mall.
Surfside Camp – August 5th – 11th Cost $279 if preregistered by July 20
If you participated in the camp auction, contact the church office to get your scholarship refund. Each camper is asked to contribute $20, to help cover the transportation costs. Contact the church office to confirm that your camper will be traveling via MFC’s transportation. Registering for camp is made easy by going to