The Pastor’s Blog
Home Study for June 18 through 23, 2012
Adapted from the NWYM 50-Day Prayer Journal
Monday – Read Psalm 46:1-11
What promises do you find in this passage?
What distractions keep you from hearing God’s voice?
What can you do today to be more intentional about hearing God’s voice in your life?
Spend a few moments in prayer and invite God to speak to you.
Tuesday – Read Romans 8:26-27
What stands out to you in these verses?
Do you think it’s true “we don’t know what to pray for?” Why?
What help does God give us to pray more effectively?
Why is this important?
Take time to sit in the presence of the Spirit and pray as He works in your heart and mind.
Wednesday – Read Habakkuk 2:1-3
How do you feel about being told to wait?
When you wait, do you find it had to be silent?
When you wait on God, is your attitude the same as Habakkuk’s, “I will look to see what He will say to me?” Or, is your prayer a one sided conversation?
How does this passage challenge you? How will you respond?
Thursday – Read Exodus 14:13-14
Think about a situation that causes you anxiety. What can you do about it? What can God do about it? Give it to Him.
Do you believe “the Lord will fight for you?” How should that change how you live?
Spend some time with God, giving Him your worries and listening to Him.
Friday – Read Psalm 37:7-11
What are we called to refrain from doing here? Why?
What are we called to do? Why?
“Meekness” is strength under control. Are you stronger or weaker when God asks you to be still? Why?
Invite God to help you to live as we read in this passage.
Saturday – Read Luke 3:21-38
Home Study for June 11 thgrough 16, 2012
For the next few weeks all of our home study will be based on the Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Church's 50-day Prayer Journal
Monday – Read Psalm 145:1-2
Home many times in these verses does David promise to extoll or praise the name of God?
Extoll means to glorify or make known. List three reasons God is deserving of your worship.
How might it change each day if you started by reflecting on God and extolling Him? Take time to do that each day.
Tuesday – Read Psalm 145:3-7
Do you spend time each day praising and extolling God?
What can you do to help the “next” generation to know God?
Take time to pray for our children and youth (at MFC and in NWYM) and the people who work with them.
Find a way to share God’s truth with some who is younger than you.
Wednesday – Read Psalm 145:8-12
How is God described here, what stands out to you?
Do you think this is how most people view God? Why or why not?
How have you experienced God’s grace and compassion in the last year? The last month? The last week? Today?
Ask God to prepare you to speak of Him to someone today.
Thursday – Read Psalm 145:13-16
What are some ways that God has provided for you?
Verse 15 speaks to God meeting needs in the proper time, remember some times when God’s timing was perfect in meeting your needs.
Take time to remember what God has done in your life and give Him thanks.
Friday – Read Psalm 145:17-21
What stands out to you in this passage?
Name at least five promises found in this prayer.
How have you seen these promises to be true in your life?
Take some time to pray these promises for yourself and for someone else who you know needs them.
Saturday – Read Luke 3:15-20
Song Of The Week
This weeks song is The Cartoon Song by Chris Rice. In Sunday School on Sunday mornings all of us in from1st-6th grade would sing songs before we did our lesson and one of the really special songs that we all loved was the cartoon song, but we didn't have it on CD, so we would always have to have someone play it for us on guitar and there was only one person who knew how to play it. Then that person stopped playing it for us and no one was there to play it, so for a long time we went on without hearing the cartoon song and then in Jr. High we were sitting in class and we hear the cartoon song playing from the hall and all of us in that class looked at eachother and smiled and we asked our teacher if we could go out and listen to it because we hadn't heard that song for so long so it was very special.This song is just thinking about what would happen if cartoons were christian and they take many of the sayings that some of the cartoon characters say and they turn them into praises and it is just a happy song. Whenever I hear this song I always think of all the good times I had in sunday school when I was younger and it just makes me really happy, so I hope this song puts a smile on your face just as much as it does mine.
Chris Rice-The Cartoon Song-Snapshots:Live And Fan Favorites
June Youth News
Twin Rocks– If you want to save $30 going to camp this year, please pre-register. If you participated in camp auction, contact the church office to get your scholarship refund. Each camper is asked to contribute $20 to help cover the transportation costs. Contact the church if you are going to be using the church's transportation to get to camp. Register for camp by going to
Girls Camp-July 1st-6th- Cost $257 if pre-registered by June 15- For girls entering 4th-6th grades next fall.
Boys Camp-July 15th-20th- Cost $257 if pre-registered by June 29th- For boys entering 4th-6th grades next fall.
Tween Camp– July 8th-14th – Cost $279 if pre-registered by June 22nd- For youth entering 7th-9th grades next fall.
Surfside Camp– August 5th-11th- Cost $279 if pre-registered by July 20- For youth completing 8th-12th grades next fall.
Congratulations to the 2012 Graduates!!- Graduating from College-Michael Burton from University for Oregon and Aracely Gomez Bravo from George Fox University. Graduating from High School- Zack Knorr and Jonathan Owings from Crater and Mitch Lesh and Marlon Campos from North Medford.
Mexico Missions Trip– THANK YOU to everyone who has helped contribute to the Mexico Missions Trip this year! Our team will leave on June 16th and will return on June 24th.This years team- Dave Gomez, Nate Swift, Ruthie Scott, Raymond Jarrett, Marlon Campos, Kyley Drake, Auston Chaney, Nicolas Salas, Christian Sicairos, and Bob and Gail Kerns. Please be praying for them!! If you would like to help out more, you may donate cookies and subway giflt cards for the trip. Please have these items to the church by Thursday, June 14th.