The Pastor’s Blog

Notes, news, information, lessons, and updates from the Pastor’s desk and others.

Song Of The Week

A couple years ago Brandon Heath Came out with a song called Wait And See, and it wasn't really my type of music that I enjoy listening to, but I don't know why, I just found this song really catchy and got excited whenever I heard it. I also love the message that it gives that God is never finished with you. He has lots of plans for you and even when you think you have got it, he has something even bigger in store for you. A lot of times we forget that God really does have a plan for us and if we just let him take control of our lives then everything will fall into place and he will provide many things for us to do. So here is the song of the week, Wait And See by Brandon Heath.-

Brandon Heath-Wait And See-What If We


Home Study for May 28 – June 2, 2012

Monday – Read Acts 4:8-12

What does verse 11 mean?

Why is salvation found in no one else but Jesus?

What happens if a person is trusting in anything else to save them?

How is Jesus challenging you?

How will you respond?


Tuesday – Read I Peter 1:17-21

What price was paid for our redemption?

When did God develop His plan to redeem and save humankind?

What is significant about that?

What does this mean to your life?


Wednesday – Read Romans 1:14-17

To whom does the good news of the gospel apply?

According to verse 17 how are we saved and how are we to live?

How does this challenge you?

What will you do?


Thursday – Read Matthew 4:12-17

Here Jesus is applying a passage from the prophet Isaiah to Himself.

What is meant here by the “shadow of death?”

Who is the light?

How does the light chase away the shadow?

What hope does this give you?


Friday – Read Zechariah 12:10 and Romans 11:25-26

In these days, why has God kept the Jewish people from seeing Jesus as the Messiah?

What difference did it make in your life when you received Jesus as your Savior?

What will happen when the Jewish people finally recognize Jesus as the Messiah?

Pray for the people in your life who need to accept Jesus and for God’s plan of Salvation for all people to be fulfilled.


Saturday – Read Luke 2:41-52


Song Of The Week

Well, I have 11 more days of school left and hopefully when it's all over I will have more time to blog and therefore I will be more on top of posting a new song for each week.  One of my favorite bands that lately I have sadly ignored is the band Relient K.  I found a video I made on my computer the other day and forgot how awsome they are. So this weeks song is my favorite Relient K song of all time, it is called Who I Am Hates Who I've Been. The whole concept of the song can be confusing at first, but after you have listened to it as many times as i have, then It is easy to understand. Relient K has been known for their quirky lyrics and this is defienetly one of those songs. This song is basically looking back in retrospect onto something you have done in the past. You look back at the way you were then and your hating who you were. Sometimes this happens and all that we can say is, "God, thank you for loving me even when I did that and giving me a second chance and forgivinging me!" This is a truly wonderful song and i really encourage you to listen to it!!!

Relient K-Who I Am Hates Who I've Been-MMHMM


Home Study for May 21 through 26, 2012

Monday – Read Matthew 5:17-20

What is the difference between Jesus fulfilling the Law and the Prophets rather than abolishing them?

Since we can’t fulfill the Law and the Prophets on our own, how can we enter the kingdom of heaven?

Is this a message of discouragement or hope?

How do these words challenge you?

How will you respond?


Tuesday – Read Genesis 17:9-15

How important was it to God to have a lasting sign of the covenant that He was making with Abraham and his descendants.

How can you tell?

What covenant Has God made with the followers of Jesus?

What sign has He given us? (See Ephesians 1:13-14)


Wednesday – Read Deuteronomy 30:6

Who is the only person who can circumcise our hearts? Why?

What is to be the end result of this work in our hearts?

How does this keep us better connected to God?

How does this verse challenge you? What will you do?


Thursday – Read Exodus 13:1-2 and 11-16

Why were the Israelites called to give over to the Lord the first born male of humans and animals?

In verse 13 what are parents called to do with the first born sons they commit to the Lord?

How can we commit our children to the Lord today?

Why is this important?


Friday – Read Romans 12:1-2

What does it mean to be a living sacrifice to God?

Why are we to offer ourselves as living sacrifices to God?

How do we do that?

What difference does it make in our lives?

Take time to commit yourself to God and His plan for you.


Saturday – Read Luke 2:25-39