The Pastor’s Blog

Notes, news, information, lessons, and updates from the Pastor’s desk and others.

Song Of The Week

It has been awhile since I have posted a song and I apologize but the month of April is a busy month for me. Anyhoo, despite my lack of punctuality, I still have a really fun song this week. This last week the weather has been nice and this weekend is going to be really nice too so this song, The Best Night Of Our Lives by Everyday Sunday is an awsome song to blast out  while enjoying this nice weather. This song is about being awake and giving it all you got because this might be the best night ever, and maybe your last night ever, so you should make a good night out of it.So here is the song of the week, have a nice warm weekend too!!!

Everyday Sunday-Best Night Of Our Lives-Best Night Of Our Lives




Home Study April 30th through May 5th, 2012

Monday – Read Psalm 139:1-4

How completely does God know us?

Why is God able to know us so completely and completely love us?

How does that make you feel?

What do you want to say to Him?


Tuesday – Read Ephesians 2:1-10

According to verse 4, what compelled God to make it possible for us to find forgiveness and life through faith in Jesus?

How complete is God’s mercy?  

What does this tell us about the mercy we should extend to others?

What do you need to better show God’s mercy?

Ask God to grow His mercy in you.


Wednesday – Read Daniel 2:17-23

What threat was facing Daniel and his friends?

What did they do?

In Daniel’s prayer of praise for God’s answer, what does he tell us in verse 21?

What does this truth mean for us today?


Thursday – Read Job 1:20-22

This is Job’s response to the first losses that he experienced, why was it important for him to recognize that it is the Lord who gives us all that we have and that the Lord can take it from us?

Is this still true for us?

How does knowing that God loves us give us hope even in the face of this truth?

What is Jesus saying to you? How will you respond?


Friday – Read I Thessalonians 5:23-24

How faithful is God?

What does this mean for your life?

What hope does this give you?

How is Jesus challenging you?

How will you respond?


Saturday – Read Luke 1:57-80


Home Study for April 23 to 28, 2012

Monday – Read Ephesians 2:4-10

By what means are we saved from sin and death?

Why did God choose to save us in this way?

What are we saved to do? Why is this important?

What is Jesus saying to you? How will you respond?


Tuesday – Read Romans 12:1-2

What does it mean to be a “living sacrifice?”

Why is it important that we no longer conform to the world?

What must be renewed if we are to be transformed? How?

What is Jesus saying to you? How will you respond?


Wednesday – Read Matthew 6:28-34

God has promised to meet all of our needs as we put Jesus and His kingdom first in our lives, how does that apply to the needs of the things that He calls us to do?

What confidence and hope does this give us as we seek to serve Jesus?

What need do you have as you serve Jesus? Ask Him to meet it.


Thursday – Read Galatians 1:6-10

How important is it for us to preach and live out the true gospel of Jesus? Why?

Why is it impossible to please both God and men?

Which then should we choose?

What is Jesus saying to you? How will you respond?


Friday – Read Luke 6:17-26

Why is it important for Jesus’ followers to understand this truth?

How does it damage our relationship with Jesus when we live to please all men?

How would that keep us from living out God’s truth?

How does this passage affirm or challenge you? What will you do?


Saturday – Read Luke 1:39-56


Youth Photos
