The Pastor’s Blog
Promotion Sunday – June 3, 2012
All of our kids will move up to the next class and we will recognize those who are changing departments. Following worship there will be a time of fellowship to celebrate the occasion.
Congratulations to our 2012 Graduates!
College: Michael Burton from University of Oregon and Aracely Gomez Bravo from George Fox University. High School: Zack Knorr & Jonathan Owings from Crater and Mitch Lesh & Marlon Campos from North Medford.
All Church Breakfast & Workday – Saturday, June 2nd, at 8 a.m.
Everyone is invited to this breakfast and workday. We have a variety of indoor and outdoor projects to be completed. Plan to come and share in the fellowship and work time.
Ladies Meetings in June:
FWMF (Friends Women Missionary Fellowship)
Our time together is spent in fellowship and learning about the work of our missionaries, their needs and the people to whom they minister. All ladies are welcome to join us at MFC, Thursday, June 21st, at 10 a.m. A buffet luncheon will follow the meeting.
Friends Women – All ladies are invited and welcome to join us for sharing & caring fellowship. We will meet Thursday, June 21, at 6 p.m. at MFC.
Baby Shower
Come celebrate with Amanda Matheisen in the anticipation of the arrival of her baby boy! Thursday, June 21st in the fireside room we will have a baby shower for Amanda & her soon to arrive little son starting at 7 p.m. Amanda is registered at Target.
Helping Our Team Get to Mexico
A huge THANK YOU to everyone who has helped to meet the financial expenses of getting our team to Mexico to build a house for a family in need. We couldn’t do it without you! A picture of the family we will build a house for this year is on the table in the foyer. Our team will be leaving on June 16th and will return on June 24th. This year’s team: Dave Gomez, Nate Swift, Ruthie Scott, Raymond Jarrett, Marlon Campos, Kyley Drake, Auston Chaney, Nicolas Salas, Christian Sicairos and Bob & Gail Kerns. Please be praying for them.
One more way you can help our team is by providing cookies and Subway gift cards for the trip. If you would like to help in this way please have your cookies and gift cards to the church by Thursday, June 14.
Twin Rocks Friends Camp to save $30; please pre-register!
If you participated in the camp auction, contact the church office to get your scholarship refund. Each camper is asked to contribute $20, to help cover the transportation costs. Contact the church office to confirm that your camper will be traveling via MFC’s transportation. Registering for camp is made easy by going to
Girls Camp – July 1st – 6th – cost $257 if pre-registered by June 15
For girls entering 4th – 6th grades next fall
Tween Camp – July 8th – 14th – cost $279 if pre-registered by June 22
For youth entering 7th – 9th grades next fall
Boys Camp – July 15th – 20th – cost $257 if pre-registered by June 29
For boys entering 4th – 6th grades next fall
Surfside Camp – August 5th – 11th – cost $279 if preregistered by July 20
For youth completing 8th – 12th grades next fall
Yearly Meeting Sessions 2012 – July 22-26 – At George Fox University “Let Us Come Boldly!” Becky Ankeny, Northwest Yearly Meeting superintendent will be this year’s speaker. Mark your calendar for the above dates, registration is available @
Rock of Truth
In 1972 singer/song writer Jim Croce came out with a hit song entitled “You Don’t Mess Around With Jim.” The chorus went:
“You don’t tug on Superman’s cape
You don’t spit into the wind
You don’t pull the mask off that old Lone Ranger
And you don’t mess around with Jim”
After a recent experience I would add one more thing you don’t do; “you don’t spray window cleaner on a window with a vent underneath it while the furnace fan is running.” I know it’s not quite as catchy as Croce’s lyrics, but it’s just as true and the window cleaner blown back into my eyes is the proof.
In the days we live in a lot of things that were once considered truths to live by are no long accepted as truth. It seems like most everything is open to interpretation and the person or group with the most persistent and loudest argument gets to define truth for all. This makes for a society and culture that is built on ever shifting sand.
That got me to thinking, what is truth? That is the same question Pilate asked Jesus in John 18:38, when Jesus appeared before him during His trial. Although Jesus didn’t answer Pilate’s question at that time, He had answered it a few hours earlier as he met with His disciples as we read in John 14:6, where He said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
The Greek word that is translated truth in both Pilate’s question and Jesus’ statement is defined as “the reality lying at the basis of an appearance; the manifested, veritable essence of a matter.” While human debate may continue to redefine what we think we know to be true, Jesus will never change and we can trust that as we know Jesus we know truth. Which also means that the better we know Jesus the better we understand what is true.
As we base our lives, choices and decisions on Jesus the truth, we don’t have to worry about the winds of question, doubt and redefinition that swirl around us and in our culture. Instead, we can firmly place our feet on the Rock of Truth where we never slip and can never be shaken.
This is a process and a life-long journey for sure, but if we live committed to Jesus and continue growing in our knowledge of Him and in our relationship with Him, we can live in the truth that sets and keeps us free (John 8:32).
God’s Grace and Peace,
Home Study June 4 through 9, 2012
Monday – Read Exodus 4:18-23
In verse 22 how what does God call His people Israel?
What then is His relationship to them?
What does this passage tell us about how God cared for His children Israel?
What does it tell us about how God cares for us today?
Tuesday – Read Psalm 68:1-6
What do these verses tell us about the power of God?
Why may we who know and follow God rejoice?
How does God become a father to the fatherless?
What hope does this give you?
Wednesday – Read Jeremiah 3:14-20
In verse 19, what kind of relationship does God say that He wants with His people?
According to verse 20, how did His people respond?
How can we avoid being unfaithful to God as our Father?
How does this passage challenge you?
How will you respond?
Thursday – Read Romans 8:12-17
How do we become children of God?
How should that impact and change our lives?
What is the difference between being a slave and being a child?
As heirs of God, with Jesus, what do we have to look forward to in our lives on earth and in eternity?
How should that impact how we live?
Friday – Read Matthew 6:5-15
How does Jesus describe God here?
What hope does this give us as we pray?
What warning does God give us in verses 14 and 15?
How should this passage change the way that you view God, yourself and others?
Saturday – Read Luke 3:1-20
Song Of The Week
A couple years ago Brandon Heath Came out with a song called Wait And See, and it wasn't really my type of music that I enjoy listening to, but I don't know why, I just found this song really catchy and got excited whenever I heard it. I also love the message that it gives that God is never finished with you. He has lots of plans for you and even when you think you have got it, he has something even bigger in store for you. A lot of times we forget that God really does have a plan for us and if we just let him take control of our lives then everything will fall into place and he will provide many things for us to do. So here is the song of the week, Wait And See by Brandon Heath.-
Brandon Heath-Wait And See-What If We