The Pastor’s Blog
Please Pray for Ukraine!
Last Wednesday we had a guest speaker Named Jacoby. Jacoby and his wife Lera are missionaries in Odessa, Ukraine. If you don’t know, Odessa is the southern part of Ukraine.The picture below shows where it is exactly. It is part of the orange colored region. Here are some things that are going on in the Ukraine that stuck out to me.
One thing is that Ukraine has the most teenage alchohalism in the world. I found this very intresting. I never would have thought that out of all the places in the world that teenage alcohalsim being the worst would be Ukraine! It is a very scary thing that is happening too much.
Secondly, there is a big problem with kid napping, and prostitiution in Ukraine. Lots of teenage girls will apply for a job and they will get kid napped and then be forced into prostitution. It’s very sad and not right at all. It is very disturbing. But unfortunantly, it is happening.
Next, Ukraine is hosting a soccer tornament of some sort I guess, and they have a bunch of stray dogs running around in Ukraine. If you love dogs a lot you may not want to read this because it is a bit distrubing, but they need to get rid of all these dogs. So what they are doing is they are injecting poision into them and they are waiting for them to die. Then once they die, they burn them in order to get rid of the bodies. It is really sick and I absolutoly 100% HATE it, but they have no money to put all of them in pounds and such, so that is the only thing they think they can do with them.
Lastly There is a very high drug use in the Ukrain expecially in Kids.
There is so much more to pray for, for the Ukraine. Please go to this website and learn more about what Jacoby and Lera are doing.
Home Study February 20th through 25th
Monday – Read John 13:34-35
How are we as believers to love one another? Who is our example?
What did this kind of love cost Jesus? What did it cost us?
Why is the love of Jesus’ people such a powerful testimony to His resence in our lives?
How is Jesus challenging you? How will you respond?
Tuesday – Read Galatians 6:2
What does it mean to “carry each other’s burdens?”
How does prayer factor in?
How does this fulfill the law of Christ? See Matthew 22:34-40
How is God challenging you? How will you respond?
Wednesday – Read Nehemiah 8:1-18
What happened when God’s word was read in public?
Why could this happen?
Can this still happen today? Why?
How does this challenge you? What will you do?
Thursday – Read James 1:19-25
How does God’s word clean sin from our lives?
Why is it important to not just know God’s word but to do it?
What promise is given in verse 25 for those who know and do God’s word?
How does this passage challenge you? How will you respond?
Friday – Read II Peter 3:18 and Revelation 22:21
How important is it that we know and grow in God’s grace?
How does growing in our knowledge of Jesus help us do that?
How significant is it that the last verse of the Bible involves God’s grace?
What are these verses saying to you? How will you respond?
Saturday – Read Luke 1:1-4
Song of the Week
Since this week is Valentine’s day, I decided to put a song about love, so, it only makes sense to post the song Crazy Love by Hawk Nelson. This song is about how God is in crazy love with us and how the world just dosn’t understand. It is also based off of the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan. Have a good Valentine’s day everyone!
Crazy Love-Hawk Nelson-Crazy Love
Song of the Week
This weeks song is Breakfast by Newsboys. This song is bascially about someone dying. When you die you get to go to one of two places, heaven or hell. If you go to hell, you don’t get the fun stuff that you enjoy on earth, such as breakfast. BUT, in hevan you will! Along with this the song has some funny refrences to the breakfast club and different type of breakfast foods so it is a lot of fun. So stop reading this and listen to this song!!-
Breakfast-Newsboys-Take Me to Your Leader