The Pastor’s Blog
Easter Sunday Schedule
April 8, 2012 We will begin with a continental breakfast at 9 a.m. in the fellowship hall, with worship following at 10 a.m. in the sanctuary. There will be no Bible studies or Sunday School classes that day. After the worship service there will be an egg hunt for the kids.
2012 Easter Offering For Missions – Mexico
Through the support of Evangelical Friends Mission we empower the people who have been called by God to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ around the globe. This year the annual Easter offering for missions features Mexico. Our missionaries in Aguascalientes and Siete Ejidos assist local believers in addressing the spiritual and physical needs in their communities. You can play a part in going out to preach everywhere through your gift to the 2012 Easter offering, which will be taken on Easter Sunday. Please designate your gift “Easter Offering.”
Candles in a Can & Heatalator Update
Training and Material Needs
Judy Fields reported that the Salvation Army will partner with us to help distribute these items to the homeless people they serve who could benefit from them. We have scheduled a training opportunity for everyone who would like to learn how to make these items: Tuesday, April 10, at 6 p.m. at the church.
- We also need wax and hardware cloth which are key components. If you would like to donate either of these please bring them to the church or contact Judy Fields.
Ladies Meetings in April:
FWMF (Friends Women Missionary Fellowship) is open to all women of our church. Our time together is spent in fellowship and learning about the work of our missionaries, their needs and the people to whom they minister. All ladies are welcome to join us at MFC, Thursday, April 19th, at 10 a.m. A buffet luncheon will follow the meeting.
Friends Women – All ladies are invited and welcome to join us for sharing & caring fellowship. We will meet Tuesday,
April 17th, at the home of Dawn DuLong.
Ladies Annual Spring Rally
“Glow in the Dark” (I John 1:5-7)
All Women Invited! This year’s rally will be held at Medford Friends Church, at 10 a.m. April 21, 2012. The speaker will be Carolyn Stansell. There will be a Men’s Breakfast at 8 a.m. at Talent Friends Church, 50 Talent Ave. Ron Stansell will be sharing.
All Church Potluck – Sunday, April 15th Everyone is Welcome!
Join us in the fellowship hall following the 11 a.m. Sunday School classes. There will be a short business meeting following the potluck.
Saturday, April 21st – Yard Sale 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at MFC
The Mexico Missions Team will hold a Yard Sale in the fenced area of our yard on April 21, 2012.
- We are accepting donations of clean, useable items.
- Volunteers are needed for set-up @ 7 a.m. and for clean- up@ 1:45 p.m. on the day of the sale.
- All proceeds go toward building a home for a needy family in Mexico.
Camp Auction 2012 – Wednesday, May 16th
Mark your calendars and start planning for this year’s auction. If you are interested in attending Summer Camp or the Mexico Missions trip, this is a great way to earn a scholarship to either event. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. & the auction starts at 7 p.m. There are sign-up sheets and additional information located in the Fellowship Hall, Hallway, Harmony Hall and Ross Chapel.
Breakfast of Champions Fundraiser for Mexico Mission House Building Project is Back!
The cereal bowls are available in the main hall, sign up now, simply eat the cereal and fill up the bowl with Change – for Change! Turn in your “bowl donation” by April 29th. All proceeds go toward Mexico Missions 2012.
Girl’s Nite in the Word At Community Bible Church in Central Point
Sunday, April 8th, 6 to 8:30 p.m. This month’s topic is anxiety.
All Jr. Hi & High School girls are invited to participate. You can get more information at – empowering teen girls to make wise choices – hosted by Jimmelynn Rice.
Grants Pass High School Performing Arts Center
For Jr. High and High School Youth – Meet at MFC at 6 p.m. for a ride
Free Event – You may bring $20 for the ring.
Planet Wisdom – Youth Ministry Conference
For Jr. High & High School Youth – April 27 & 28
Sign up in Ross Chapel – for more info see Dave Gomez
God’s Long-Term Solution
In January I started having some pain and problems with my right knee. At first I tried to deny that it was hurting and kept pressing on. When that didn’t work I tried to ignore it, hoping that it would get better. But when it continued to hurt nonstop and began locking up and buckling at the most inopportune times I decided it was time to go to the doctor.
I was hoping that all I needed was a cleanout surgery to remove any debris floating in the joint. No such luck and needless to say, hearing the diagnosis that my knee was the poster child for knee replacement surgery did not excite me at all. There are some short-term helps, injections, which may provide some relief, but the doctor assured me that my only long-term solution was replacement surgery. Not ready to do the replacement thing yet, I had an injection and hope to put off the inevitable surgery for as long as I can.
I want to thank everyone who has prayed for my knee. The injection I received has helped far more than anyone would have anticipated and I know that it is due to your prayers.
This experience got me to thinking about the human spiritual condition. Humankind has a long-term problem with sin, and it’s a long-term problem that requires a long-term solution. But too often it’s easier to try to deny the problem and then try to ignore both our sin, and what God says about it, rather than pursue God’s long-term solution. And when denying and ignoring don’t work, we often then try to redefine our sin in an effort to make it seem acceptable to God, thinking that will ease our guilt.
If we are honest with ourselves, we realize that none of our short-term solutions will work for very long and that’s because freedom, peace and joy only come when we apply God’s long-term solution to our long-term problem; the cleansing blood of Jesus that is applied to our hearts as we confess and repent of our sin and turn to Jesus to receive His forgiveness and cleansing from our sin, guilt and shame.
This is what the message of Easter, Resurrection Sunday, is all about. While we were trapped in sin with no way to be forgiven and released, Jesus died for us, but He also rose from the dead, defeating the power of sin and death in the lives of everyone who puts their faith in Him and follows Him.
Because of Jesus’ death and resurrection we no longer need to deny our sin, ignore our sin, redefine our sin or chase short-term solutions that leave us trapped in our sin. Instead, through the work of Jesus we may experience the forgiveness, cleansing, victory and freedom that Jesus offers to all who come to Him.
Thankful to be Forgiven and Free,
Home Study April 2nd-7th 2012
Home Study April 2nd-7th 2012
Monday: Read Matthew 25:1-13
What happened the last time your electricity went off?
How prepared were you?
If you knew Jesus would return next week, how would you live your life differently?
Tuesday: Read Matthew 25:14-30
As a kid did you receive an allowance?
How did you usually spend it?
What areas in your life are you “burying,” rather than using for God?
Wednesday: Read Matthew 25:31-46
Have you ever been stopped by someone begging in the street?
What did you do?
What principle is Jesus teaching in this passage?
Thursday: Read Matthew 26:47-56
Have you ever been betrayed by someone close to you?
Why is Jesus being arrested here? What has He done to deserve it?
How should we respond when we are betrayed by someone close to us? Why?
Friday: Read Matthew 27:26-31
Why did the soldiers mock Jesus?
Why did Jesus put up with these things?
How do your sufferings compare to what Jesus went through?
How does your response compare with His?
Saturday: Read Matthew 28:1-20
Song of the Week
This weeks song is Hold On by Tobymac. This song is basically a reminder that God loves you and you can go to him no matter what. I don’t know why, but I always like listening to this song when the sun is shining. So hopefully with spring starting and the weather hopefully starting to get warmer, you can listen to this song on a happy, sunny day which is always nice. :0)