Feb '25

A Message From Emily 2/28/25
Feb '25

We just finished a Spina Bifida Clinic in Portland for Thatcher. They are able to have all his specialists come to us in one location on one day. It is super helpful for us since we need to travel to Portland, but it does make for a very long day of appointments. But really, it is the work put in during the in-between that makes progress happen in Thatcher’s life. The PT and OT appointments at home, therapies we attend, the individualized care he receives daily to keep him healthy.
This week as we finished clinic it made me think about how the same applies to our spiritual lives. We often can try to cram it all in one day a week spiritually and hope for good progress, but it is the daily spiritual tasks that are really making progress possible.
1 Corinthians 3 talks about spiritual food and the progress from spiritual milk to spiritual meat. How do we becomes more mature believers? We spend time with Jesus daily. We learn about Him, practice how to live more like Him, and study what His word says. We don’t wait for the day with the specialists like we do for clinic, but rather press forward making progress in the between.
May we continue to seek Him moment by moment.