Home Study for February 25 through March 2, 2013

Monday – Read Isaiah 55:1-9
Why are God’s ways and thoughts different from ours?
What difference does it make in our lives to know the God knows us and He knows the future?
If our thoughts and ways are in conflict with God’s thoughts and ways what should we do?

Tuesday – Read Proverbs 3:5-8
Why should we trust God rather than our own understanding?
What happens when we trust our understanding without consulting God? Has that ever happened to you?
What does God promise if we see and trust Him?
Is there anything in your life that you need to trust to God today?

Wednesday – Read Hebrews 11:1-10
How is faith different from hope?
Using these verses, write your own definition of faith.
How can faith in Jesus and in God’s plan for our lives transform the way we live?
What is God saying to you? How will you respond?

Thursday – Read I Corinthians 3:10-15
What is the only foundation on which we can confidently build our lives?
In what way are our lives and work revealed for what they are?
How would you measure what you are building in your life?
How would God measure it?
How does this challenge you? How will you respond?

Friday – Read Luke 18:18-30
Why was it so hard for the rich young man to follow Jesus?
What else can get in the way of following Him?
What has Jesus promised to everyone who radically follows Him?
What is Jesus saying to you? How will you respond?

Saturday – Read John 3:1-21

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