Home Study for January 13 through 18, 2014
Monday – Read I Peter 3:8-12
How are we called to treat our Christian brothers and sisters?
How are we to repay insults and evil in our lives? Why?
How are we to live so God’s ear is attentive to our prayers?
What is God saying to you? What will you do?
Tuesday – Read James 2:14-17
How do these verses about faith also apply to love?
Is love to be static or should it result in action?
What kind of action should accompany our love?
What is God saying to you? How will you respond?
Wednesday – Read I Corinthians 13:4-8a
When it comes to the actions of love, how are you doing?
In what areas of your life is it hardest for you to show love?
How can you better show love in that area?
How does this passage challenge you? Encourage you?
What will you do?
Thursday – Read Romans 5:1-5
How do we receive peace with God?
How does God work through our hardships?
How does hope allow us to love more completely?
What is God saying to you? How will you respond?
Friday – Read Psalm 68:1-3
How does the overcoming love we show to others reveal and lift up God?
Why can’t God’s enemies stand up to Him?
How does that apply to your life?
How does this passage encourage you? What will you do?
Saturday – Read Matthew 8:28-34